Dream Again

ISBN: 978-1-5323-6131-9
By: Hammock, Dusty


Dream again is about finding your purpose and reconnecting to the dreams that inspired you, moved you and launched you toward the reason you were place on the planet.


Dusty Hammock

Dusty Hammock has a passion for seeking answers to hard questions and helping other seekers find solutions. He has a passion to build a bridge between frustrated dreamers and their destiny. The principles in this book are not fashionable theories but real life lesson learned through Dusty’s real life experiences. With his unique writing style you will walk with him on a journey to find real solutions and discover your purpose. Come along for the ride of a life-time that will change your life forever. He is living proof your life can be different if you believe in your dreams, choose to begin the process to be CHANGED and, with relentless courage, fight to become everything you imagined.