Legend of the Rooster

Caller for the Dawn

ISBN: 978-1-5323-6142-5
By: Nguyen, Tim


A fable about the Rooster who is the Caller for the Dawn day. It's about the Rooster who is the special animal on earth that sound & sing to sign sunrise at dawn. It speculates why the Rooster named as "Rooster" and what it makes to become a legend and categorize 3 types of human and animal characteristics.


Tim Nguyen

Tim Hung Nguyen (penname as Ta Tu) is a multi-healthcare professional scholar in both western and oriental medicine. He's the founder of Tatudo which stands for the way of self-healing. Ta Tu is a Tatuist and a Renaissance man. He's a poet, writer, musician, designer, scientist, etc. Ta Tu has many inventions and pioneered in many fields such as eye care, martial healthcare, martial art, acupuncture points, music, etc.