F**K Love Or Do Millennials Need Love Too?

ISBN: 978-0-578-87412-8
By: Riggins, Brandon & Bryant


What a unique world we live in today in regards to relationships! Having quick access to one another around the world, has dramatically changed how Millennials interact with one another. We have Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat and other platforms, which have allowed for instant communication. Dating apps have exploded and provide a quick way to connect to men and women regardless of location. Today women are challenging gender norms and positions, which were almost exclusively dominated by men in the past. I believe these changes in the market has awakened new perspectives, ideas and expectations in regards to how love is viewed among Millennials. Some Millennials might argue that finding genuine love in 2021, is one of the toughest things to do in today’s society. Others might argue that “love” is out there but it is not as important to Millennials, in comparison to past generations. Should love be a priority for Millennials or should other things take precedence? In the book “F*%# Love or Do Millennials Need Love Too,” Brandon and Bryant examine how the concept of love has evolved and what are the implications for Millennials today. Millennials are going to play an important role in the progression of the world, in the next 30 years. Therefore progression must be met with understanding, empathy and teamwork. The goal of this book is not to blame a person or thing but instead facilitate honest dialogue amongst millennials in regards to love.


Brandon & Bryant Riggins

The Riggins Brothers are a combination of two brothers; Bryant and Brandon. They are both a dynamic duo with the gift of inspiring and educating the masses from across the world. Bryant and Brandon grew up in Marietta, Ga. The Riggins Brothers are founded in family and ambition. The different life defining and changing moments had its due impact in shaping and structuring our message. Effectively, this has been a great source of influence on the people we come in contact with.