Glorious Endtime Good News

ISBN: 978-1-5323-5911-8
By: Wanjiku, Joyce


The happening of the Bible was never ended. Its progress is generated with the dawn of each day. God deals with humanity according to His word. And since this word is never altered, there is nothing new under the sun. What has been will be again and what has been done will be done again. More so, "I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come. I say, my purpose will stand, and I will do all that I purpose" says the Lord (Isaiah 46:10). With this in mind, Daniel studied the books and understood by revelation of the word of God what led to their liberation from Babylonian captivity. Following the same pattern, THE LAST DAYS EXODUS Is an exposition of the final deliverance of the children of God from the womb of the world. With God's wisdom the writer has clearly opened the journey that man ought to travel to secure his eventuality. She has used the eyes of God that sees the end from the beginning to map out the landscape that you will encounter in this pilgrimage. She has as well tapped from the ancient wisdom of prophet Enoch, who was whisked away by God because of the in depth revelations that he received concerning the end of the age. Should you drop into a deep valley after you have come from the mountain top, know you that you are still under the canopy of this trail grace. With this advanced knowledge, no end time storm can sweep your feet away! This is the Glorious Endtime Good News.


Joyce Wanjiku

Joyce is an endtime crusader. She is a nurse by profession and a preacher by calling. God has raised and mandated her to mature the church for rapture.