Wicked Rich Wicked Poor

The Economic Crisis in the Book of Job

ISBN: 978-1-5323-7123-3
By: Ruckhaus, Keith


Since the Great Recession of 2008, economic theories, economists, and financial institutions play increasingly crucial roles in today’s society. Many question whether economics has now superseded both politics and religion as the dominant paradigm in which nearly all public policy and personal decisions are made. Ironically, Christian theology seems relatively silent or even antithetical in response even though the Bible says a great deal about how wealth is gained and used and what wealth does to those who acquire it. For Ruckhaus, the book of Job is about a crisis of narrative, a crisis like our post-modern situation over economics. He explores the interface between economic and theological outlooks with his book, Wicked Rich, Wicked Poor. In it, he not only explicates how the ancient Israelites struggled with these issues as reflected in the book of Job, but also relates the contemporary implications for Christians today.


Keith Ruckhaus

Keith Ruckhaus received his Doctor of Theology in Old Testament from the University of South Africa in 2010. He has published "As Though We Were Dreaming" (2010) and "When God Stops Working" (2001). He regularly contributes to his website - www.amosephrem.com