The Cipher of the Divine

Crossing The Divide Between Theory & Application

ISBN: 978-1-7923-0145-2
By: Krolick, Ernest, et al.


Where is your mind now, and what are you thinking? What words are occurring? Did you choose this stream of thinking? Does this stream of thought feel and seem familiar? Is it the same thought you’ve had before? How many times before? Do you even know?When we relax the mind, we are more able to answer these important questions. We can observe mindfully the thoughtsas they come and go, and we can even choose to entertain them, or not as the case may be, if we are keen enough to the moment at hand. To be present, mindful, and to accept the right that I have to choose the direction of my thinking and the direction of my mind - It’s MY mind, why can’t I choose where it goes?!