Legion Slayer

ISBN: 978-1-7923-3087-2
By: Transylvania, John


Málaga, Spain - a city filled with wonder and delight. It is in this city where Laurel, a young boy, celebrates his twelfth birthday. Like any other birthday boy, Laurel is excited to receive gifts. To his disappointment, his uncle gifted him a stuffed animal - a gift meant for younger children. His plan to get rid of the gift was thwarted during the night - when the stuffed animal came to life. Through Laurel's shock, the stuffed puppy convinced the boy that magic was real and that his animation was caused by no dream. It wasn't easy for Laurel to believe, but his mind opened to the possibilities, and that was when the puppy struck. As Laurel believed with all his heart, the puppy transported them to a world where Laurel could create anything he could imagine. It was a paradise! The boy was enthralled by his newfound powers, but that joy soon dwindled as the consequences of his belief took effect. The stuffed animal form was just a guise. Its true form was that of an evil being - a demon by the name of Naris. Fighting through his horror, Laurel soon discovers he can no longer return to the world he once called home. He was trapped by his decision to believe. He was trapped with his creations, forever torn from his old life. The years passed slowly, but as Laurel grew, he plotted. He was going to fight against the demon. Along with his fairy friend, Fée, they would fight against Naris and the legion he commanded. They would fight, and they would win.


John Transylvania

(aka John Alexander Erdely) The new pen name of the author is a translation of his actual last name. “Erdely” which is derived from the Hungarian “Erdelyi” translates literally to “Transylvania” or “of Transylvania”. This name honors the author’s Hungarian heritage, and sounds 20% cooler. John Transylvania is also the author of “Falgon’s Fall”, “Dragon’s Pride”, and “Red Tide” under the name “John Alexander”. He hails from North Carolina, USA, and is a proud founding member of the Starving Writers Guild.