Travel Tips for the Timid

or, what guidebooks never tell

ISBN: 978-1-7923-6158-6
By: Cassady, Cathy, et al.


Cathy Cassady compiled her mother's documents that recorded Carolyn's longed-for trip to and across Europe in 1979 with her daughter Jami. The fun, and often challenging, experiences she and Jami encountered on their pre-technology journey in her own words, drawings and poems. In addition, Carolyn's memorabilia from the trip was scanned and captured in a 162 page scrapbook and is available through a link when the book is purchased. Carolyn Cassady documents her longed-for trip to and across Europe in 1979: the fun, and often challenging, experiences she and her daughter Jami encountered on their pre-technology journey in her own words, drawings and poems.


Cathy Cassady

Cathy Cassady is the daughter of Beat icon Neal Cassady and Carolyn Cassady and has recently published a book of her mom's poems called, "Poetic Poetry", Carolyn Cassady Revealed in Poetry and Prose.