The Union Member's Complete Guide

ISBN: 979-8-218-57801-5
By: Mauer, Michael


An easy-to-read, comprehensive guide to how you can get the most out of your job in a unionized workplace -- from understanding what a union is and how it operates to how you can get the most value out of your union card and what you can do to make your union more successful. * Understanding how unions operate * Getting your say in contract demands * The full story on union dues * A union's responsibility to its members * Getting help with workplace problems * Your union card's bonus benefits * A member's rights and responsibilities * Labor laws that affect you * How to file a grievance * Your union steward's role * Contact info for every union


Michael Mauer

Michael Mauer has worked as an attorney with the National Labor Relations Board and in the AFSCME General Counsel's office, and as an attorney / negotiator with a number of unions, including serving as Director of Organizing and Services for the American Association of University Professors and Director of Collective Bargaining for SEIU. His publications include The Union Member’s Complete Guide, Welcome to the Union, and Academic Collective Bargaining. His faculty experience includes teaching in the labor studies programs at the AFL-CIO’s National Labor College, the University of Illinois, and Ton Duc Thang University in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.