Bringing The Arts To Life: Using the Multiple Intelligences and Culturally Responsive Curriculum

S.T.E.A.M.S (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics and Social Studies) Edition: Harriet Tubman The Scientist

ISBN: 979-8-3507-1002-1
By: Mason, Letta


"Bringing the Arts to Life: S.T.E.A.M.S. Edition," authored by Letta Baker Mason, is an enriching guide that marries the principles of Howard Gardner's Multiple Intelligences with a deeply culturally responsive teaching approach, focusing on the STEAMS disciplines: Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics, and Social Studies. This edition stands out by incorporating the lives and achievements of historical figures such as Granny Nanny of Jamaica, Harriet Tubman, George Washington Carver, and Madame CJ Walker, celebrating their contributions as pioneers in science and mathematics. Through the lens of these influential figures, Mason crafts a curriculum that not only highlights their scientific and mathematical brilliance but also emphasizes the importance of cultural heritage and the power of resilience. This innovative approach allows educators to deliver lessons that are not only academically rigorous but also culturally affirming and personally relevant to students from diverse backgrounds. Mason provides educators with strategies, lesson plans, and activities designed to engage students across the multiple intelligences. By integrating arts into the study of STEM subjects, the book encourages creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving among students, making learning more engaging and effective. "Bringing the Arts to Life: S.T.E.A.M.S. Edition" is an essential resource for educators seeking to foster an inclusive and dynamic learning environment. It empowers teachers to inspire their students by presenting science and mathematics through the extraordinary lives and legacies of figures who have shaped our world. Mason's work is a testament to the idea that education can be a tool for social justice, providing students with the knowledge and inspiration to become the next generation of innovators and leaders.


Letta Mason

Letta S. Baker Mason's extensive career spans a broad spectrum of educational levels and initiatives, from early childhood to post-secondary education, including impactful work within the juvenile justice system. Her notable collaborations include working alongside President Mandela on the "Bridging the Gap Curriculum," crafting a culturally responsive curriculum for Princess Kasune Zulu of Zambia, and developing the S.T.E.M. curriculum for World Vision. Beyond her educational contributions, Letta has showcased her versatility by co-writing with Grammy-recognized artists. As an author, Letta has enriched the educational and cultural landscapes with her publications. These include "Bringing The Arts to Life: Using the Multiple Intelligences and Culturally Relevant Materials" (available in both Spanish and English), "Connecting Students of African Descent with a Global Perspective on the Intra-African Connection Through Literacy," "Bringing the Arts to Life: Using the Multiple Intelligences and Culturally Responsive Curriculum 2nd Edition," and "Bringing the Arts to Life: Using the Multiple Intelligences and Culturally Responsive Curriculum: S.T.E.A.M.S: Science Technology, Engineer, Art, Mathematics, and Social Studies." Her latest contribution is the children's book "Sankofa, Sankofa." In her current roles, Letta, the Lead Faculty of the Educational Department at Goddard College in Plainfield, Vermont, serves as Adjunct ECE Dual Language Faculty at Evergreen State College Tacoma in Tacoma, WA, and acts as the Black Studies Curriculum Specialist and instructor for the Seattle Public School District. Her commitment to education extends globally through her co-research work with the Umoja Research Project in Port Royal, Jamaica, and her leadership in coaching educators worldwide on the multiple intelligences, culturally responsive curriculum, and differentiated instruction, with travels to Ghana, Egypt, Dubai, Jamaica, Mexico, and Canada. She is currently preparing to partner with the Mairo in New Zealand. As the founder of Sankofa Educational Services, Letta champions the understanding and application of multiple intelligences and culturally responsive curricula among preschool and college educators. Additionally, she offers courses on effective Black parenting, demonstrating her deep commitment to community and family. Above all, Letta considers her most crucial role to be the nurturing and upbringing of her seven children and grandchildren, alongside any other children she welcomes into her life, underscoring her profound influence in and out of the classroom.