The Compass Method is broken down into lessons zero to twenty-one, with each lesson being divided into lesson concept, lesson application, lesson terms of reference and lesson examples. Here is the list of the lessons in this method, Technique, One Pitch, Notes of the Guitar, Basic Rhythm, Rhythmic Groupings, Variations on Sixteenth Note Groupings, Variations on Sixteenth Note Rhythmic Patterns with Counter Melody, Chromatic Intervals, Diatonic Intervals in F Major, Horizontal Diatonic Intervals in F Major, Horizontal Chromatic Intervals, Common Chord Voicings, Major Triads, Minor Triads, Diminished Triads, Augmented Triads, Seventh and Sixth Chords, Harmonic Branching, Arpeggios Five and Six String Patterns, Typical Chord Progressions in Jazz, Scales, and Advanced Harmonic Possibilities.